1. Reason to Move to the Cloud
There are 33% of the companies responded that not the direct cost reduction but the accessibility to information through multiple devices is the most important reason for their decision to adopt the Cloud, while only 17% are for cost saving.
2. Cloud Computing ≠ IT Workforce Reduction
The survey found there were only 14% of the companies had downsized IT staffs after Cloud adoption, while 20% of the companies were actually hiring more Cloud experts in the IT department.
3. Can Cloud Save Money?
82% of the companies saved money through Cloud implementation. 23% of the US enterprises and 45% of the small businesses (under 50 employees) cited there were no saving after Cloud, while 35% of the enterprises enjoyed at least $20K cost saving. In Brazil, enterprises benefited the most with 92% of the companies saved money, while in Australia that figure is 70%.
4. Is Now the Time?
The answer is YES. 65% of the companies have already purchased one year or longer term Cloud services. Since the US federal government set the Cloud priority, 48% of the federal agencies also moved at least one business process into the Cloud.
5. Can Cloud Cut Carbon?
Cloud certainly gives companies a green boost. 65% of them admitted that Cloud based solutions has helped them reduce waste and lower energy consumption.
6. Is Cloud Effective for Business?
93% of the companies have realized IT efficiency improvement and increased usability after moving to the Cloud. 47% saw operating cost reduction. In addition, there are 80% of the businesses stated that they witnessed improvement after 6 months.
7. Small Business, Less Resistance
The survey shows 74% of the small businesses have not seen any workforce resistance to Cloud adoption.
8. Preparing for the Cloud Era
In Brazil, there are 97% of the workforce have received training in Cloud Computing. In the US and Australia, training is a little lag behind with only 80% and 81% of the workforce received Cloud related training.
9. Security Concern in the Cloud
The survey shows that only 25% of the companies expressed data security concerns, while 47% of the Singapore companies cited that they actually feel more secure after using Cloud services. Surprisingly, in Brazil, 47% of the companies have no concern at all on data security in the Cloud.
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